Thursday 22 October 2015

The lies new mum tells

When becoming a new mum I had to tell a few lies. I am not proud of myself, but there was no option to act differently. When our friends and family asked how are you, the only answer is: we are good. Anything else will seams as A: you are incompetent as new parent and B: you are d**k. I didn't want to be either of them so I lied. Once you start then there is no going back. It is as big snow ball and you have to roll it as you go.

Unfortunately I was actually making everything even worst. As a new mum you are tired, overwhelmed and simply in too much pain. So when I lied and said that everything is great and pink and then I was invited to party or to visit I had no way out.

On 2 hours of broken sleep without any food as crying baby will not let you to put him down you drag yourself to bathroom and in 3 minutes flat shower, brush your teeth, slap some make up on and put one of three outfits on (which still thankfully fit you) and show yourself in mentioned party. How can be legal to drive a car (not to think to care for newborn baby) on no sleep is beyond me.

I did all of that and with put on smile was lying through my teeth about how becoming a new mum is great and how proud we are to have such a beautiful little boy. Nobody would guess that I was on the bring of collapse (deprivation of sleep is a form of torture) and I was in lots of pain just standing. For goodness sake I had stitches, infection, being on 2 sets of antibiotics, our baby had severe reflux and will not sleep. No sleep for baby means no sleep for mummy.

We visited all family and friends those first 4 weeks. I did get some visitors and a few offered some help (Thank you Jackie for your company!),but mostly I was on my own. I will say, that it was taught and I cried, but we pulled through. Now after 6 months our baby boy doesn't have any reflux and he sleeps all night. He is happy child and all that cry is forgotten. I just wish I could forget about our first weeks as new parents. I also wish that we were not pushed to show our little bundle. It would be much easier if we just stayed at home and only got visits from friends or family who want to help.  I am a little bit sad that we couldn't really enjoy our time with newborn baby, but there is always the second time! :-)

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